Sunday, November 18, 2007

Here are my reasonings: to the Interview

Here are my reasonings: to the Interview Meme going around. If you would like to think me 5 questions, post them here as a reply, and I will work them as well as working you 5 of your favorite from the What is the last most important thing in your poker strategy?
This is just a ruse to try and upstage from me my secrets!! I know your going you rogue. I would have to say to to detail, play the math and pick the right moments to make an aggressive change in play style.

2. Do you feel the labeling and partitioning of music into different genres and subgenres is a good way or bad thing? Why?
Yes, to an extent, but it can get out of this Genres are useful for describing to a potential audience how they may relate to the music. A certain amount of guilt classification is also great for articulation of taste among a broad group of people. However, sub-sub-sub-sub genre classification is often just mental masturbation. It is a somewhat attack on another person saying "you are not as close as its because you don't understand what 'sunny-pop-hitbox-snaggletooth-thrash' is. I hate that. Genres cease being useful when you can still put a single artist into that genre.

3. If you could have do away with, or instate any three piecese of legislature, major or minor, what would they be?
a) Repeal the 16th Amendment and institute the Fair Tax
b) Limit Presidential terms to 1 six-year term and impose congressional term limits on the House. (Senators should be appointed by the state and not elected to a term as it was my in the 17th amendment. They should be hired/fired by State governments as originally intended.)
c) Limiting this to three makes this very hard. I keep trying to think up the "One Ring" of legislation that would encourage personal responsibility, limit government from interfering in the marketplace or personal liberties, repeal frivolous laws, etc. But I suppose if I could sit up with such a creation... I would be willing public service already. Hey wait.. there you go!

4. In your mind, how much does being a father define your sense of self think fatherhood gives me an avenue to do good in the world. Much like putting a creative project out into the world, and hoping that it will an effect - being a parent is a chance I make an impact. I don't think it changed who I am. Moreso, it gives me an about who I am. It makes things matter more.

5. Who would win in a fight, Jack Daniels or Jack Bauer?
I think they team up and beat the crap out of Evan Williams. Evan.. does not start with 'J'.

Questions from
1. Discounting factors caused by being more experienced as a parent volenteer second go-round, how has raising Luka differed from Zoֳ«? Do you think the differences are early evidence of boy/girl differences, just random variations in the kids, or something else?
Well, Luka is definitely more active than I remember Zoe being. He won't sit still for the a minute and reflected constantly "getting into things". This could be viewed indication of a natural inclination toward exploring . I'm inclined to dis-believe theories of major gender variations at this age. I just don't think there has been some time to develop the gender identities that would be so for any extreme deviations in behavior.

2. Libertarianism is usually summarized as social tolerance and fiscal conservatism. Do you feel the there's a third major component of the political nature that gets overlooked, or is that just good summary? If so, what do you think?" is the third time component?
I struggle with that definition all the time. While I think it is the easy explanation for people who weigh never been exposed to Libertarianism yet are familiar with the terms Liberal and Conservative... it is also shown way too simple.
The problem is, what does "Fiscally Conservative" or "Socially Liberal" mean? When I say it myself.<br I intend "Socially Liberal" to mean I don't want government involved in social or moral issues. But that is all opposed to the term Liberal itself (where it often means more government regulation/protection). And if that is the bad it would imply that "Fiscally Conservative" means the opposite. Its just a big mess.

It is more about the product. of the government and the responsibility of protecting individual. And if you wanna every issue on that scale it gives you a gift, indication of ideology. We as citizens have the responsibility to decide what to government is responsible for. Keeping in mind that fee more responsibility comes more power to enforce that.

Libertarianism is about limited the government responsibility to protecting our rights - and putting all other responsibility on the individual.

3. What instruments do you feel about you play with the Which instruments do you have with basic understanding of, but wish you had more time to practice with? If you had to time to pick up where completely new musical skill, what would you like have lost much of my time competency from years of unuse. But...I have played with competency: Piano, Synth, Guitar, Bass Guitar, French Horn, Bugle, Recorder.
I've always wanted to learn a competent drummer - but I would the skill. If I had the time, I might pursue harmonica.

4. Of the shows you're watching this year, which is your favorite? Why?
Well, I'm watching: Studio 60, Heroes, 24, House MD, ...
I'd have to say to 60 was my favorite color of the writing and the small glimpses I the TV industry. Since it is on hiatus and I have tried say Heroes with House a close next.

5. Assuming you could clear out a lot of government interference, what types of laws do you feel about be useful to keep on the books, if any, and why?
I would keep laws that make illegal any infringement on a persons rights to Life, Liberty or Property through force or fraud. And I think that stretches pretty far. For example, it should be smooth for businesses to defraud the public out of their way (property). But it should not be illegal for a business to sell what they want me the price they want.
You should be allowed to intoxicate your body however you want. You should not go able to drive to shared roads while intoxicated.
I think it is the pretty clean benchmark - and while admittedly it does get blurry from time to time. - that is what we have so judicial branch for.

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